/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Sunil Nimmagadda * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Reyk Floeter * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NOSSL #include #endif /* NOSSL */ #include "ftp.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #define MAX_REDIRECTS 10 #ifndef NOSSL #define MINBUF 128 static struct tls_config *tls_config; static struct tls *ctx; static int tls_session_fd = -1; static char * const tls_verify_opts[] = { #define HTTP_TLS_CAFILE 0 "cafile", #define HTTP_TLS_CAPATH 1 "capath", #define HTTP_TLS_CIPHERS 2 "ciphers", #define HTTP_TLS_DONTVERIFY 3 "dont", #define HTTP_TLS_VERIFYDEPTH 4 "depth", #define HTTP_TLS_MUSTSTAPLE 5 "muststaple", #define HTTP_TLS_NOVERIFYTIME 6 "noverifytime", #define HTTP_TLS_SESSION 7 "session", #define HTTP_TLS_DOVERIFY 8 "do", NULL }; #endif /* NOSSL */ /* * HTTP status codes based on IANA assignments (2014-06-11 version): * https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml * plus legacy (306) and non-standard (420). */ static struct http_status { int code; const char *name; } http_status[] = { { 100, "Continue" }, { 101, "Switching Protocols" }, { 102, "Processing" }, /* 103-199 unassigned */ { 200, "OK" }, { 201, "Created" }, { 202, "Accepted" }, { 203, "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { 204, "No Content" }, { 205, "Reset Content" }, { 206, "Partial Content" }, { 207, "Multi-Status" }, { 208, "Already Reported" }, /* 209-225 unassigned */ { 226, "IM Used" }, /* 227-299 unassigned */ { 300, "Multiple Choices" }, { 301, "Moved Permanently" }, { 302, "Found" }, { 303, "See Other" }, { 304, "Not Modified" }, { 305, "Use Proxy" }, { 306, "Switch Proxy" }, { 307, "Temporary Redirect" }, { 308, "Permanent Redirect" }, /* 309-399 unassigned */ { 400, "Bad Request" }, { 401, "Unauthorized" }, { 402, "Payment Required" }, { 403, "Forbidden" }, { 404, "Not Found" }, { 405, "Method Not Allowed" }, { 406, "Not Acceptable" }, { 407, "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { 408, "Request Timeout" }, { 409, "Conflict" }, { 410, "Gone" }, { 411, "Length Required" }, { 412, "Precondition Failed" }, { 413, "Payload Too Large" }, { 414, "URI Too Long" }, { 415, "Unsupported Media Type" }, { 416, "Range Not Satisfiable" }, { 417, "Expectation Failed" }, { 418, "I'm a teapot" }, /* 419-421 unassigned */ { 420, "Enhance Your Calm" }, { 422, "Unprocessable Entity" }, { 423, "Locked" }, { 424, "Failed Dependency" }, /* 425 unassigned */ { 426, "Upgrade Required" }, /* 427 unassigned */ { 428, "Precondition Required" }, { 429, "Too Many Requests" }, /* 430 unassigned */ { 431, "Request Header Fields Too Large" }, /* 432-450 unassigned */ { 451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" }, /* 452-499 unassigned */ { 500, "Internal Server Error" }, { 501, "Not Implemented" }, { 502, "Bad Gateway" }, { 503, "Service Unavailable" }, { 504, "Gateway Timeout" }, { 505, "HTTP Version Not Supported" }, { 506, "Variant Also Negotiates" }, { 507, "Insufficient Storage" }, { 508, "Loop Detected" }, /* 509 unassigned */ { 510, "Not Extended" }, { 511, "Network Authentication Required" }, /* 512-599 unassigned */ { 0, NULL }, }; struct http_headers { char *location; off_t content_length; int chunked; int retry_after; }; static void decode_chunk(int, uint, FILE *); static char *header_lookup(const char *, const char *); static const char *http_error(int); static int http_status_cmp(const void *, const void *); static void http_headers_free(struct http_headers *); static ssize_t http_getline(int, char **, size_t *); static void http_proxy_connect(struct url *, struct url *); static char *http_prepare_request(struct url *, off_t *); static size_t http_read(int, char *, size_t); static struct url *http_redirect(struct url *, char *); static void http_copy_chunks(struct url *, FILE *, off_t *); static int http_request(int, const char *, struct http_headers **); static char *relative_path_resolve(const char *, const char *); #ifndef NOSSL static void tls_copy_file(struct url *, FILE *, off_t *); static ssize_t tls_getline(char **, size_t *, struct tls *); #endif /* NOSSL */ static FILE *fp; static int chunked; void http_connect(struct url *url, int timeout) { static struct url *proxy; const char *host, *port; int sock; proxy = (url->scheme == S_HTTPS || url->scheme == S_HTTP) ? http_proxy : ftp_proxy; host = proxy ? proxy->host : url->host; port = proxy ? proxy->port : url->port; if ((sock = tcp_connect(host, port, timeout)) == -1) exit(1); if ((fp = fdopen(sock, "r+")) == NULL) err(1, "%s: fdopen", __func__); if (proxy) http_proxy_connect(proxy, url); #ifndef NOSSL if (url->scheme != S_HTTPS) return; if ((ctx = tls_client()) == NULL) errx(1, "failed to create tls client"); if (tls_configure(ctx, tls_config) != 0) errx(1, "%s: %s", __func__, tls_error(ctx)); if (tls_connect_socket(ctx, fileno(fp), url->host) != 0) errx(1, "%s: %s", __func__, tls_error(ctx)); #endif /* NOSSL */ } static void http_proxy_connect(struct url *proxy, struct url *url) { struct http_headers *headers; char *auth = NULL, *req; int authlen = 0, code; if (proxy->basic_auth) { authlen = xasprintf(&auth, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", proxy->basic_auth); } xasprintf(&req, "CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "%s" "\r\n", url->host, url->port, useragent, proxy->basic_auth ? auth : ""); freezero(auth, authlen); if ((code = http_request(S_HTTP, req, &headers)) != 200) errx(1, "%s: Failed to CONNECT to %s:%s: %d %s", __func__, url->host, url->port, code, http_error(code)); free(req); http_headers_free(headers); } static char * http_prepare_request(struct url *url, off_t *offset) { char *auth = NULL, *path = NULL, *range = NULL, *req; int authlen = 0; if (*offset) xasprintf(&range, "Range: bytes=%lld-\r\n", *offset); if (url->basic_auth) { authlen = xasprintf(&auth, "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", url->basic_auth); } if (url->path) path = url_encode(url->path); xasprintf(&req, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "%s" "%s" "Connection: close\r\n" "User-Agent: %s\r\n" "\r\n", path ? path : "/", url->host, *offset ? range : "", url->basic_auth ? auth : "", useragent); free(range); freezero(auth, authlen); free(path); return req; } struct url * http_get(struct url *url, off_t *offset, off_t *sz) { struct http_headers *headers; char *req; int code, redirects = 0, retry = 0; do { log_request("Requesting", url, http_proxy); req = http_prepare_request(url, offset); code = http_request(url->scheme, req, &headers); free(req); switch (code) { case 200: if (*offset) { warnx("Server does not support resume."); *offset = 0; } break; case 206: break; case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: http_close(url); if (++redirects > MAX_REDIRECTS) errx(1, "Too many redirections requested."); if (headers->location == NULL) { errx(1, "%s: Location header missing", __func__); } url = http_redirect(url, headers->location); http_headers_free(headers); log_request("Redirected to", url, http_proxy); http_connect(url, 0); break; case 416: errx(1, "File is already fully retrieved."); break; case 503: if (headers->retry_after == 0 && retry == 0) { http_close(url); http_headers_free(headers); retry = 1; log_request("Retrying", url, http_proxy); http_connect(url, 0); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: errx(1, "Error retrieving file: %d %s", code, http_error(code)); } } while (code == 301 || code == 302 || code == 303 || code == 307 || code == 503); *sz = headers->content_length + *offset; chunked = headers->chunked; http_headers_free(headers); return url; } void http_save(struct url *url, FILE *dst_fp, off_t *offset) { if (chunked) http_copy_chunks(url, dst_fp, offset); #ifndef NOSSL else if (url->scheme == S_HTTPS) tls_copy_file(url, dst_fp, offset); #endif /* NOSSL */ else copy_file(dst_fp, fp, offset); } static struct url * http_redirect(struct url *old_url, char *location) { struct url *new_url; /* absolute uri reference */ if (strncasecmp(location, "http", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(location, "https", 5) == 0) { new_url = xurl_parse(location); goto done; } /* relative uri reference */ new_url = xcalloc(1, sizeof *new_url); new_url->scheme = old_url->scheme; new_url->host = xstrdup(old_url->host); new_url->port = xstrdup(old_url->port); /* absolute-path reference */ if (location[0] == '/') new_url->path = xstrdup(location); else new_url->path = relative_path_resolve(old_url->path, location); done: url_free(old_url); return new_url; } static char * relative_path_resolve(const char *base_path, const char *location) { char *new_path, *p; /* trim fragment component from both uri */ if ((p = strchr(location, '#')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (base_path && (p = strchr(base_path, '#')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (base_path == NULL) xasprintf(&new_path, "/%s", location); else if (base_path[strlen(base_path) - 1] == '/') xasprintf(&new_path, "%s%s", base_path, location); else { p = dirname(base_path); xasprintf(&new_path, "%s/%s", strcmp(p, ".") == 0 ? "" : p, location); } return new_path; } static void http_copy_chunks(struct url *url, FILE *dst_fp, off_t *offset) { char *buf = NULL; size_t n = 0; uint chunk_sz; http_getline(url->scheme, &buf, &n); if (sscanf(buf, "%x", &chunk_sz) != 1) errx(1, "%s: Failed to get chunk size", __func__); while (chunk_sz > 0) { decode_chunk(url->scheme, chunk_sz, dst_fp); *offset += chunk_sz; http_getline(url->scheme, &buf, &n); if (sscanf(buf, "%x", &chunk_sz) != 1) errx(1, "%s: Failed to get chunk size", __func__); } free(buf); } static void decode_chunk(int scheme, uint sz, FILE *dst_fp) { size_t bufsz; size_t r; char buf[BUFSIZ], crlf[2]; bufsz = sizeof(buf); while (sz > 0) { if (sz < bufsz) bufsz = sz; r = http_read(scheme, buf, bufsz); if (fwrite(buf, 1, r, dst_fp) != r) errx(1, "%s: fwrite", __func__); sz -= r; } /* CRLF terminating the chunk */ if (http_read(scheme, crlf, sizeof(crlf)) != sizeof(crlf)) errx(1, "%s: Failed to read terminal crlf", __func__); if (crlf[0] != '\r' || crlf[1] != '\n') errx(1, "%s: Invalid chunked encoding", __func__); } void http_close(struct url *url) { #ifndef NOSSL ssize_t r; if (url->scheme == S_HTTPS) { if (tls_session_fd != -1) dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "tls session resumed: %s\n", tls_conn_session_resumed(ctx) ? "yes" : "no"); do { r = tls_close(ctx); } while (r == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || r == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT); tls_free(ctx); } #endif /* NOSSL */ fclose(fp); chunked = 0; } static int http_request(int scheme, const char *req, struct http_headers **hdrs) { struct http_headers *headers; const char *e; char *buf = NULL, *p; size_t n = 0; ssize_t buflen; uint code; #ifndef NOSSL size_t len; ssize_t nw; #endif /* NOSSL */ if (io_debug) fprintf(stderr, "<<< %s", req); switch (scheme) { #ifndef NOSSL case S_HTTPS: len = strlen(req); while (len > 0) { nw = tls_write(ctx, req, len); if (nw == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || nw == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT) continue; if (nw < 0) errx(1, "tls_write: %s", tls_error(ctx)); req += nw; len -= nw; } break; #endif /* NOSSL */ case S_HTTP: if (fprintf(fp, "%s", req) < 0) errx(1, "%s: fprintf", __func__); (void)fflush(fp); break; } http_getline(scheme, &buf, &n); if (io_debug) fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s", buf); if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %u %*s", &code) != 1) errx(1, "%s: failed to extract status code", __func__); if (code < 100 || code > 511) errx(1, "%s: invalid status code %d", __func__, code); headers = xcalloc(1, sizeof *headers); headers->retry_after = -1; for (;;) { buflen = http_getline(scheme, &buf, &n); buflen -= 1; if (buflen > 0 && buf[buflen - 1] == '\r') buflen -= 1; buf[buflen] = '\0'; if (io_debug) fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s\n", buf); if (buflen == 0) break; /* end of headers */ if ((p = header_lookup(buf, "Content-Length:")) != NULL) { headers->content_length = strtonum(p, 0, INT64_MAX, &e); if (e) err(1, "%s: Content-Length is %s: %lld", __func__, e, headers->content_length); } if ((p = header_lookup(buf, "Location:")) != NULL) headers->location = xstrdup(p); if ((p = header_lookup(buf, "Transfer-Encoding:")) != NULL) if (strcasestr(p, "chunked") != NULL) headers->chunked = 1; if ((p = header_lookup(buf, "Retry-After:")) != NULL) { headers->retry_after = strtonum(p, 0, 0, &e); if (e) headers->retry_after = -1; } } *hdrs = headers; free(buf); return code; } static void http_headers_free(struct http_headers *headers) { if (headers == NULL) return; free(headers->location); free(headers); } static char * header_lookup(const char *buf, const char *key) { char *p; if (strncasecmp(buf, key, strlen(key)) == 0) { if ((p = strchr(buf, ' ')) == NULL) errx(1, "Failed to parse %s", key); return ++p; } return NULL; } static ssize_t http_getline(int scheme, char **buf, size_t *n) { ssize_t buflen; switch (scheme) { #ifndef NOSSL case S_HTTPS: if ((buflen = tls_getline(buf, n, ctx)) == -1) errx(1, "%s: tls_getline", __func__); break; #endif /* NOSSL */ case S_HTTP: if ((buflen = getline(buf, n, fp)) == -1) err(1, "%s: getline", __func__); break; default: errx(1, "%s: invalid scheme", __func__); } return buflen; } static size_t http_read(int scheme, char *buf, size_t size) { size_t r; #ifndef NOSSL ssize_t rs; #endif /* NOSSL */ switch (scheme) { #ifndef NOSSL case S_HTTPS: do { rs = tls_read(ctx, buf, size); } while (rs == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || rs == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT); if (rs == -1) errx(1, "%s: tls_read: %s", __func__, tls_error(ctx)); r = rs; break; #endif /* NOSSL */ case S_HTTP: if ((r = fread(buf, 1, size, fp)) < size) if (!feof(fp)) errx(1, "%s: fread", __func__); break; default: errx(1, "%s: invalid scheme", __func__); } return r; } static const char * http_error(int code) { struct http_status error, *res; /* Set up key */ error.code = code; if ((res = bsearch(&error, http_status, sizeof(http_status) / sizeof(http_status[0]) - 1, sizeof(http_status[0]), http_status_cmp)) != NULL) return (res->name); return (NULL); } static int http_status_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct http_status *ea = a; const struct http_status *eb = b; return (ea->code - eb->code); } #ifndef NOSSL void https_init(char *tls_options) { char *str; int depth; const char *ca_file, *errstr; if (tls_init() != 0) errx(1, "tls_init failed"); if ((tls_config = tls_config_new()) == NULL) errx(1, "tls_config_new failed"); if (tls_config_set_protocols(tls_config, TLS_PROTOCOLS_ALL) != 0) errx(1, "tls set protocols failed: %s", tls_config_error(tls_config)); if (tls_config_set_ciphers(tls_config, "legacy") != 0) errx(1, "tls set ciphers failed: %s", tls_config_error(tls_config)); ca_file = tls_default_ca_cert_file(); while (tls_options && *tls_options) { switch (getsubopt(&tls_options, tls_verify_opts, &str)) { case HTTP_TLS_CAFILE: if (str == NULL) errx(1, "missing CA file"); ca_file = str; break; case HTTP_TLS_CAPATH: if (str == NULL) errx(1, "missing ca path"); if (tls_config_set_ca_path(tls_config, str) != 0) errx(1, "tls ca path failed"); break; case HTTP_TLS_CIPHERS: if (str == NULL) errx(1, "missing cipher list"); if (tls_config_set_ciphers(tls_config, str) != 0) errx(1, "tls set ciphers failed"); break; case HTTP_TLS_DONTVERIFY: tls_config_insecure_noverifycert(tls_config); tls_config_insecure_noverifyname(tls_config); break; case HTTP_TLS_VERIFYDEPTH: if (str == NULL) errx(1, "missing depth"); depth = strtonum(str, 0, INT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr) errx(1, "Cert validation depth is %s", errstr); tls_config_set_verify_depth(tls_config, depth); break; case HTTP_TLS_MUSTSTAPLE: tls_config_ocsp_require_stapling(tls_config); break; case HTTP_TLS_NOVERIFYTIME: tls_config_insecure_noverifytime(tls_config); break; case HTTP_TLS_SESSION: if (str == NULL) errx(1, "missing session file"); tls_session_fd = open(str, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600); if (tls_session_fd == -1) err(1, "failed to open or create session file " "'%s'", str); if (tls_config_set_session_fd(tls_config, tls_session_fd) == -1) errx(1, "failed to set session: %s", tls_config_error(tls_config)); break; case HTTP_TLS_DOVERIFY: /* For compatibility, we do verify by default */ break; default: errx(1, "Unknown -S suboption `%s'", suboptarg ? suboptarg : ""); } } if (tls_config_set_ca_file(tls_config, ca_file) == -1) errx(1, "tls_config_set_ca_file failed"); } static ssize_t tls_getline(char **buf, size_t *buflen, struct tls *tls) { char *newb; size_t newlen, off; int ret; unsigned char c; if (buf == NULL || buflen == NULL) return -1; /* If buf is NULL, we have to assume a size of zero */ if (*buf == NULL) *buflen = 0; off = 0; do { do { ret = tls_read(tls, &c, 1); } while (ret == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || ret == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT); if (ret == -1) return -1; /* Ensure we can handle it */ if (off + 2 > SSIZE_MAX) return -1; newlen = off + 2; /* reserve space for NUL terminator */ if (newlen > *buflen) { newlen = newlen < MINBUF ? MINBUF : *buflen * 2; newb = recallocarray(*buf, *buflen, newlen, 1); if (newb == NULL) return -1; *buf = newb; *buflen = newlen; } *(*buf + off) = c; off += 1; } while (c != '\n'); *(*buf + off) = '\0'; return off; } static void tls_copy_file(struct url *url, FILE *dst_fp, off_t *offset) { char *tmp_buf; ssize_t r; tmp_buf = xmalloc(TMPBUF_LEN); for (;;) { do { r = tls_read(ctx, tmp_buf, TMPBUF_LEN); } while (r == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || r == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT); if (r == -1) errx(1, "%s: tls_read: %s", __func__, tls_error(ctx)); else if (r == 0) break; *offset += r; if (fwrite(tmp_buf, 1, r, dst_fp) != (size_t)r) err(1, "%s: fwrite", __func__); } free(tmp_buf); } #endif /* NOSSL */